[E-Daily]YoungLimWon Soft Lab holds a mobile app idea contest for ‘Corporate Culture Innovation’

The total prize money of 28 million won,
the winning team supports the implementation and commercialization of app ideas
[E-Daily Reporter Yang Ji-yoon] YoungLimWon Soft Lab announced on the 11th that it would hold a mobile application idea contest under the theme of corporate culture innovation.
The theme of the contest is an idea that can innovate a corporate culture from ‘competition, vertical, direction, organization-oriented, result-oriented’ to ‘cooperation, horizontal, autonomous participation, individual respect, process-oriented’ by using mobile apps as a communication tool. proceed with Ideas are accepted until midnight on June 12th.
Eligibility for participation is divided into corporate and general categories, and each team can consist of 1-3 people. The corporate sector targets companies and startups in all industries, including IT, manufacturing, distribution, finance, and service. The general section is open to college students, graduate students, professors, freelancers, and the general public who do not belong to a specific organization.
There are no restrictions on the form of idea expression and writing, and it can be submitted as a PDF or PPT file. For submission documents, compress the application form and the file expressing the app idea and send it to the e-mail in charge of YoungLimWon Soft Lab Contest.
Submitted works will be evaluated based on innovativeness of ideas, marketability, will to commercialize, feasibility of app implementation, and completeness of submissions. YoungLimWon Soft Lab’s in-house technology and business experts will be in charge of evaluating the contested entries.
With a total prize money of 28 million won, a total of 6 teams will be awarded, with 1 grand prize, 1 grand prize, and 1 excellence prize in each of the corporate and general categories. In the corporate sector, △grand prize 10 million won △first prize award 5 million won △excellence award 3 million won, and in the general category △grand prize 5 million won △grand prize 3 million won △excellence award 2 million won.
Younglimwon Soft Lab plans to support application implementation and commercialization of the submitted ideas only for the winning team that hopes to win. In case of commercialization of the app, there is no revenue sharing with YoungLimWon Soft Lab. YoungLimWon Soft Lab’s ‘Business300’ subscription product of ‘Flextudio’, a mobile app development platform worth about KRW 15 million, is provided free of charge for one year after the award.
Source : https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=01705606635575136&mediaCodeNo=257&OutLnkChk=Y