Negative Thoughts Are Destructive to Everyone

Young Bum Kwon, CEO & Founder of YoungLimWon Soft-Lab
<永-Way : CEO’s 60th Remarks at YoungLimWon Soft-Lab>
“Negative Thoughts Are Destructive to Everyone”
February 2. 2025
It is because we have a mind that we can lead our daily lives well. The mind is the driving force that gathers energy for what we want to do and moves our bodies. When we do something half-heartedly, it feels dull and drains our energy.
On the other hand, if one can consistently focus the mind in one direction, anyone can achieve great things. We often hear in the news about elderly women who, having saved billions of won from a lifetime of selling simple foods like gimbap, donate their entire fortune as scholarships. Their admirable actions confirm that anyone can accomplish remarkable feats by dedicating their heart and mind over a lifetime.
Most people live repetitive, mundane lives, much like a hamster running in a wheel, because of their constantly wavering minds. The sages have repeatedly emphasized that without mastering the restless mind, one can never achieve anything significant.
Since ancient times, the teachings of Buddha, Confucius, and classic texts like Myeongsim Bogam and Cai Gen Tan have all focused on controlling the mind, offering profound insights for living wisely. They remind us that cultivating the “inner strength” to anchor our minds is the most important task even in the 21st century.
The main culprit that disturbs our peace of mind and torments us endlessly is negative thinking. If left unchecked, negative thoughts grow beyond the bounds of reality, creating dramatic narratives filled with feelings of disappointment, resentment, hatred, and anger. Once entangled in such a drama, it’s hard to escape until one feels they’ve achieved some form of personal revenge or resolution.
In these mental dramas, satisfaction often comes only after the perceived “enemies” meet their downfall, allowing the focus to shift to another storyline. Such negative emotions are not only destructive to others but also act like a slow-spreading poison within ourselves, potentially developing into serious illnesses.
Although invisible, the mind generates powerful energy. In this new year, I hope we can shake off the negative thoughts that destroy our inner peace and instead focus our minds on creating a better world.