Sharing Kimchi, Growing Together in Warmth and Love

Sharing Kimchi, Growing Together in Warmth and Love
Wan Seok Yoon, Global Content Manager
South Korea is entering an era of a super-aged society. In a residential complex located in Gangseo-gu, Seoul, where YLW’s headquarters is based, approximately 600 households out of 2,000 are home to residents aged 75 and older.
As we transition into a super-aged society, it’s impossible not to reflect on the responsibilities of businesses. Seniors have worked tirelessly in their youth to build families and contribute to society’s development. The many benefits we enjoy today are the fruits of their sweat and efforts. Now, it is the nation’s and society’s turn to ensure they can spend their later years in comfort and dignity.

This time of year is Kimchi-making season in Korea. For Koreans, kimchi is not just a staple food but also a beloved comfort food that warms both the body and soul.
As part of its ESG initiatives, YoungLimWon Soft-Lab(hereinafter YLW) has been volunteering to deliver kimchi to senior residents in collaboration with a local welfare center for the past three years. On November 15, around 50 YLW employees teamed up with social workers from the welfare center to distribute kimchi to 600 households.
A local supermarket generously lent dozens of shopping carts to support the effort. Employees, paired in teams of two, visited homes alongside social workers to deliver 10 kilograms of kimchi to each household. The joy was mutual—those receiving the kimchi and those delivering it shared moments of happiness.

“Enjoy the kimchi!”, “Thank you so much, I’ll enjoy it!”
These exchanges were more than just words; they were tokens of care and love.
The elderly ladies gifted us handmade crocheted holders for tumblers.

Here’s what YLW employees had to say about the day:
Dong-Geon Lee, Research Engineer, Corporate Culture Innovation Business Dept.
“This kimchi-sharing volunteer activity was a precious experience of connecting with seniors in our community. Seeing elderly residents who reminded me of my grandmother made me want to share even more warm words and attention. It was deeply fulfilling, and I look forward to participating again next year.”
Nan Kim, Research Engineer, BPO Platform Dept.
“Sharing kimchi during this activity was a heartwarming and rewarding experience. The smiles and gratitude from our neighbors as we delivered kimchi brought even greater warmth to my heart. It was truly a memorable time. ❤”
Through this volunteer effort, YLW employees, local residents, and social workers shared more than just kimchi—they shared heartfelt love. This love will continue to grow, doubling and tripling, becoming the foundation for a society filled with generosity and sharing.
Next year, we hope YLW achieves even greater business success to support more seniors in need.

Another enjoyable activity after the service is to have a company dinner featuring kimchi and boiled pork.
How about treating yourself to some Korean ramyun with kimchi for a meal today?