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K-System Business Insight

Qlik Sense-based Management Analysis model,
“K-System Business Insight”

ERP, It’s ubiquitos!
ERP data keeps piling up everyday.

It’s time to manage data as an asset to create business values!
Are you going to leave data piled up? Or, will you gain insights from effective data analysis?

This era requires business insights and better decision-makings through flexible and agile data analysis, not a conventional one!

The Data Analysis Model Package Shortening of Implementation Period, Cost Reduction, Economic Value Enhancement.

In a deluge of data,
it provides hidden ingsights from data
not obtainable from dashboard, general status or excel data.

Qlik Sense-based Management Analysis model,
“K-System Busiess Insight”
Companies choose and implement analysis models they need ETL, analysis models, and visualization are put in one system.
The Data Analysis Model Package Shortening of Implementation Period,
Cost Reduction, Economic Value Enghancement.

The person in charge of a company can analyze the data and self-report on a topic
Data-based Business Insights for Business Success “K-System Business Insight”

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