Companies use ERPs just fit for their industries and cut maintenance costs drastically!

YoungLimWon Soft Lab’s Architecture has completed industry-specific ERP processes!
ERP has been evolving, keeping up with industry development.
MRP, MRPII, 1st Generation ERP, 2nd Generation ERP, 3rd Generation ERP
Flexibility and agility of process and shortening of implementation period are reqired in the ERP market.
YoungLimWon Soft Lab’s Architecture has completed industry-specific ERP processes!
Lego Brick-Type Software Architecture
Flexible Software Platform Structure
Accumulation of knowledge and experience about industry-specific porcesses.
Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Food Processing, Materials, IT Service, Medial Equipment, Distribution,
Construction/Engineering, Project, Cosmetics, Chemical
Attachable and detachable process!
Flexible response to business changes through Plug and Play!
Lego Brick-Type Software Architecture
Now, Companies use ERPs just fit for their industries and cut maintenance costs drastically.
ProAS[Process App Store]
Lego Bricks of ProAS, Process Apps!
ERP vendors can develop new industry-specific ERPs by combining new processes reuse or partially modify
exsiting processes to enhance maintenance efficiency.
Customers shorten project period by applying industry best practicies.
It cuts implementation costs and enhace economic additionally after ERP implementation and achieve continuous advancements keeping up with company developments.
The process or data transmission works after removing a unit program or adding a new process!
-Intuitive Process Menu
-Kakaotalk Link and Work Progress Alert Service
-Approval Process in the ERP System
-Compatibility with Excel and Multi Language/Currency
Now, Companies use ERPs just fit for their industries and cut maintenance costs drastically.
The ideal ERP busiess starts with the completed technology.